James the Just as Righteous Teacher – the Radiocarbon ControversyJerusalem Post, October 21, 2013 |
Paul’s ‘Comrade-in-Arms’ Epaphroditus and the First GospelsIn Jerusalem Post, August 26, 2013; and Huffington Post, September 4, 2013. |
Israel is in a PickleJerusalem Post, August 18, 2013 |
Internal Evidence vs. External Evidence Like Carbon Testing in the Dead Sea ScrollsIn Jerusalem Post, July 31, 2013; and Huffington Post, August 7, 2013. |
Napolean Has Succeeded – the Great Moment Has Arrived: Egypt July 3, 2013In Jerusalem Post, July 4, 2013; and Huffington Post, July 6, 2013. |
Thug Capitalism and Free EnterpriseJerusalem Post, June 26, 2013 “Thug Capitalism” turns the mechanisms of the West against it ultimately threatening to undermine and overwhelm it – even own it, this time without firing a shot. Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada has finally done it. He has let the cat out of the bag. Always scrupulously honorable to […] |
Sharon, Hero of Israel, ‘Feeds the Crocodile’Jerusalem Post, November 17, 2012. “Ariel Sharon, one of Israel’s more legendary heroes (with all due respect and his present vegetative state notwithstanding) has done more to damage Israel’s security and position in the world, even to the extent of calling into existence her future as a State, than almost any other person – and this […] |
The James Ossuary: Is It Authentic? (An Update)Huffington Post, October 11, 2011. The only trial in the world which seems to have taken longer than the Amanda Knox one in Italy is the extended “trial” over the so-called “James Ossuary” in Jerusalem. Like the former, which still gives promise of carrying on into several stages of appeal anyhow, the latter is largely […] |
Israeli Geniuses: A Lesson in Strategic ImbecilityJerusalem Post, September 17, 2011. This article is actually part of a series, I have been doing, which should probably be called, “Downhill from Sinai.” As an example, let us follow one particular string of decisions – or, better perhaps, “lunacies” – made by ostensibly intelligent people, long on tactical and political, short-range vision but […] |
Did the British kill Orde Wingate? (Part II)Jerusalem Post, July 7, 2011. Wavell was now Commander-in-Chief in India and on the Governor’s Council and the Japanese were pouring through the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, and Burma. Again, he realized he needed Wingate seconded to him in Rangoon as soon as possible. The latter, who was still fighting for his command of a Jewish Army which […] |
Did the British Kill Orde Wingate? (Part I)Jerusalem Post, July 3, 2011. Orde Wingate is perhaps so famous that there is no need to summarize his life. There are a plethora of good biographies, pro and con, about him for these purposes; but just for the argument, let us summarize a few points here. His father was first cousin to Sir Reginald Wingate, […] |
Who Killed Orde Wingate? (Part Two)Huffington Post, June 27, 2011. Wavell was now Commander-in-Chief of India and on the Governor’s Council and the Japanese were pouring through the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, and Burma. Again, he realized he needed Wingate seconded to him in Rangoon as soon as possible. The latter, who was still fighting for his command of a Jewish […] |
Who Killed Orde Wingate? (Part One)Huffington Post, June 24, 2011. Orde Wingate is perhaps so famous that there is no need to summarize his life. There are a plethora of good biographies, pro and con, for these purposes; but just for the argument, let us summarize a few points here. His father was first cousin to Sir Reginald Wingate, Governor […] |
‘The James Ossuary’ and Its AuthenticityHuffington Post, January 20, 2011. Now that the extended ‘trial’ over “the James Ossuary” or “James Bone Box” in Israel is nearing its conclusion and all that remains to be announced is the verdict — which in the present writer’s mind is a foregone conclusion, no evaluation of data having had to take this long […] |
The Scrolls, the James Box and the Gospel of JudasJerusalem Post, Dec. 3, 2010. In this Hanukkah Season, three subjects are again in the news — or at least the first two are. The third, “Judas Iscariot and the Hanukkah Season” or “Was there ever a Judas Iscariot or was He Simply the Product of Retrospective Theological Invective” should always be on the front […] |
The Greatest Heritage Site of All: A Proposal for an International Architectural Competition to Provide Solutions to the Issue of the Temple MountThe Huffington Post, August 2, 2010. The awarding of the Wolf Prize for Architecture to my brother Peter Eisenman for his splendid Holocaust Memorial in Berlin is a well-deserved and noble gesture for extraordinary and brilliant efforts in memorialization. Having said this, let me observe that, while we Jews – ‘we’ in Israel and ‘we’ […] |
Why We Must Become a Territorial People AgainThe Jerusalem Post, July 6, 2010. Not since the Second Temple Period, have we, the Jews, really been a “Territorial People.” Ok – then, you can say, we really dropped the ball; but this would not be completely fair. One has to appreciate one was up against the most powerful and greatest Empire the World […] |
Enough Crying Over Herod’s Stones: We Know how to Commemorate the Dead but Do We Know How to Commemorate the Living?The Jerusalem Post, March 13, 2010. I would like to propose an international architectural competition called: ‘Temple Mount 2000: Holy to Three Faiths.’ Awarding the Wolf Prize for architecture to my brother Peter Eisenman for his splendid Holocaust Memorial in Berlin was a noble gesture. Having said this, let me observe that while we Jews […] |
Remember, the Temple was Built by HerodThe Jerusalem Post, October 27, 2009. Remember, the Temple was Built by Herod The Temple, over which we now see such weekly struggles, was built by Herod who, for all intents and purposes, was not Jewish. He had not an ounce of Jewish blood in him – if one can speak in such “racial” terms […] |